Support & Industry Symposia Packages

Special Requests
Tailored packages can be arranged to suit your objectives.
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your needs.
Sherwin Gentle – Industry & Sales Associate

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Creating your own Storyboard

Storyboard is a term often used to show more of how everything comes together and make up of different phases of your support among our audience. Especially in these times where digital and in-person components are widely used leading up, throughout IPVC-2023 but also post conference. These components are often used as an individual support item, but with some forward planning, once can integrate these in which these support items are complimenting each other and bring the attendee along through your journey

Delegates are in the process of getting familiar with the Conference, planning and gathering information through either the Conference Website or Social Media.

Most delegates will prepare their initial schedule. Even while travelling, messages on social media or through mailing, will not go unnoticed.

Be present while people are getting ready for IPVC 2023!

Delegates are now ready to meet Industry on-site! At this point, they must be aware of your presence as now it is a matter of meet and greet.

Personal contact and putting out your incentives is key!

Present and follow up on what you communicated earlier
during the planning and travelling phase!

Take care and see you soon! Delegates should have the after care! They can now really process their impressions of your presence at IPVC 2023. This is the chance to get rated on what you offer, propose feedback in support of future plans!

Dare to ask them what they would like to see from you next!

Industry Symposia Packages


Teaser Event page with 4 min video
1 Promotional Mailshot (Exclusive)

Lunch Symposium (90 min – Plenary)
42 SQM Booth
1 E-program – Inside Page Advertisement
1 Advertisement in Mobile Application
2 Push Notifications Mobile Application
20 Registrations
Wi-Fi Landing Page, or E-poster Area

1 Image advert in the IPVC Mailing
2 IPVS Social Media Opportunity
1 Post-Conference Mailshot (Exclusive)


1 Promotional Mailshot (Exclusive)
2 IPVS Social Media Opportunity

Lunch Symposium (90 min – Plenary)
36 SQM Booth
1 E-program – Inside Page Advertisement
1 Advertisement in Mobile Application
2 Push Notifications Mobile Application
18 Registrations
Lounge Area, or Mobile Application

1 Image advert in the IPVC Mailing
1 Post-Conference Mailshot (Exclusive)


1 Promotional Mailshot (Joint)

Lunch Symposium (90 min – Parallel)
24 SQM Booth
1 E-program – Inside Page Advertisement
1 Advertisement in Mobile Application
1 Push Notification Mobile Application
12 Registrations


Image Advert in the IPVC Mailing

Morning / Evening Symposium (60 min – Parallel)
18 SQM Booth
1 Advertisement in Mobile Application
1 Push Notifications Mobile Application
1 Promotional Item
8 Registrations

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