Preparing for the Virtual Conference

Preparing for the Virtual Conference

Get the most out of the #IPVC2021 Virtual Experience!

New to virtual conferences? No need to worry.

We prepared a short video with practical tips for you, to get you equipped for this new exciting experience:

How to master the Virtual Conference?

1. Be Prepared

  • Prepare your virtual attendance in advance. Block your calendar, mark the sessions you want to view live, prepare your questions, save some time for networking and interaction. Contact people you want to meet at the Conference early on.

2. Be Equipped

  • Set yourself up for success – find a comfortable spot with stable internet connection, test your speakers, microphone and camera, and minimize distractions, such as loud notifications and unrelated tabs on your screen.

3. Be Aware

  • There is so much to do at the virtual conference! Make sure you are aware of all platform tools – the live sessions and Q&A, chat, ePosters Gallery, Virtual Exhibition – and engage with science, people, and innovation.

4. Be Presentable

  • During the virtual conference, people may be watching you – especially if you present or take part in video chats. Make sure you have a background and outfit you are happy with. And don’t forget to smile 🙂

5. Be Truly There

  • Now is the best time to learn. Now that the event is taking place, do as you would if you were in the Conference venue – block your calendar, take a seat and dive into the experience. Your household tasks can wait!
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