ENTOG Contest
Thank you for your interest in ENTOG’s social media contest for IPVC 2023. The contest consists of collaboration with ENTOG members who will share their thoughts about the upcoming IPVC 2023 with their community to encourage their peers to register to this conference.
This social media contest will end on February 9.
By taking part in this joint ENTOG-IPVS social media contest, ENTOG members will try to win a free registration to the 35th International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC 2023). The winners, with the best posts, will be informed by the end of the year.
The IPVS understands the influence our organization has on the global stage advocating on raising awareness around HPV and disseminating research results, shaping the discourse and direction through interaction with social media.
Therefore, please follow the below guidelines when posting, sharing or tweeting content.
Important guidelines
- The competition will be held on Twitter
- The official hashtag for the IPVC 2023 Conference in Washington DC is #IPVC2023. Make sure to use this hashtag when tweeting to be part of the discussion and the contest.
- Try to mention @IPVSociety whenever possible.
- Include call to action to register for IPVC 2023 with IPVC 2023 registration link – https://ipvconference.org/registration/
Respect and Privacy
- When contributing commentary or information on a social media platform which makes reference to IPVS, you are encouraged to identify that you are connected to the IPVS and that the views expressed are yours alone and do not represent the views of the organization.
- The IPVS encourages you to write knowledgeably, accurately, and to use appropriate professionalism. Despite disclaimers, your social media interactions can result in members of the public forming opinions about the organization.
- You must not post or respond to material that is offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, racist, sexist, infringes copyright or is otherwise unlawful use or disclose of any confidential or secure information.
- Posts on social media may have legal implications. You must not make any comment or post any material that might otherwise cause damage to the reputation of IPVS.

Get inspiration from the following text examples:
- Cannot wait for #IPVC2023, April 17-21 to start. Are you joining us? https://ipvconference.org/registration/
- I am excited to be a part of #IPVC2023– Join us for the latest #HPV research and findings that are shaping the future of the field! https://ipvconference.org/registration/
- Attend #IPVC2023 to hear the latest discoveries and boost your career development! https://ipvconference.org/registration/
- Be sure not to miss (session name) at #IPVC2023!
- Enjoy the following benefits when attending #IPVC2023: (benefits) https://ipvconference.org/why-attend/